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The Approved Home
Pros Guarantee

If you use Approved Home Pros to connect with a Pro we recommend, we guarantee you will be satisfied with the home improvement, repair, or service you purchase from that Pro, or we’ll step in to help make it right.guarantee
The Approved Home Pro Guarantee provides a level of confidence that no other home improvement resource can provide. We are able to offer this guarantee because the Pros in our network are held to a higher standard of customer service and must be committed to doing the right thing in all circumstances. These requirements are part of the Code of Ethics and Pro Requirements signed by every Pro in our network. As is the commitment to honor the terms of this Guarantee.It is with great pride we offer this guarantee to property owners who use our recommendations.
In home improvement and related fields, problems or unexpected circumstances sometimes arise. Some can be foreseen and prevented, some not. You should not expect issues or problems, but if something doesn’t go according to plan, you should expect to work in good faith with your contractor to ensure issues are identified, addressed, and resolved properly.
Terms of CoverageApproved Home Pros Guarantee covers the purchase of a project, product, repair, or service if:
The Pro is listed on when initial contact is made.
The Property Owner (User) makes initial contact with the Pro through Approved Home Pros, using the Pro Finder contact form or the phone number we provide.
The user enters into an agreement with the Pro to purchase said project, product, repair, or service within 90 days of the initial contact.
For a covered purchase, these STEPS must be followed in orderNOTE: While the User can notify Approved Home Pros AT ANY TIME about a concern, the primary protections of the Guarantee exist to ensure the END RESULT:
  • If there is dissatisfaction with the outcome of a qualified project, product, repair, or service (purchase)
  • Notify the Pro of a specific problem or reason for dissatisfaction.
  • Work with the Pro’s customer service systems to rectify the situation.
  • Allow the Pro to take appropriate action.
  • After the pro has completed all proposed actions and notified the user that all appropriate actions have been taken.
At this point, the User can file a Guarantee Claim. (LINK TO CLAIM FORM BELOW)
  • If the User remains dissatisfied with a covered purchase, and the Pro has been given the opportunity to rectify the situation as listed above, they should submit a Guarantee Claim on If Guarantee Claim has already been filed, notify Approved Home Pros as to the remaining issues via email or phone as listed below, and the existing claim will be advanced to Active Investigation status.
  • A Guarantee Claim must be filed no later than 60 days following the termination of work to solve the issues.
  • The User will be contacted within 2 business days regarding the Guarantee Claim.
Once a covered claim is activated the following STEPS occur.
  • Guarantee Claim File will be opened and a confirmation number will be supplied to User and Pro.
  • We will contact the User to request available documentation and schedule a time for an initial telephone review.
  • The user must be available at the time of the scheduled interview or reschedule prior to the scheduled call time.
  • Based on the initial phone review, Approved Home Pros may request a visit to the site of the project. Users must be available for on-site discussion, provide access to the project or product and provide all relevant information at that time.
  • We will also interview the Pro to review the customer’s complaint, access related information and data, interview related staff, access relevant vendors or suppliers and gather any other relevant information.
Upon conclusion of the review process:
  • A draft of the Findings and Needed Actions will be provided in writing to Pro. Approved Home Pros will be available to discuss the findings and recommendations.
  • Final Findings and Needed Actions report will be provided in writing to User and the Pro.
  • If Approved Home Pros agrees that the User complaint is justified, and the pro did not adequately rectify the situation, the Pro agrees:
    • To abide by the recommendation of Approved Home Pros as stipulated in the Findings and Needed Actions report.
    • Recommendations may require the Pro to repair or replace the project(s) or product(s).
    • Or, it may provide an option for Pro to reimburse the customer at a price up to, but not exceeding, the original price paid by the customer.
  • If the findings show the Pro to have acted within accepted standards of care, within the Approved Home Pros Code of Ethics and fulfilled the terms of the contract covering the purchase, the User will be notified and the Claim dismissed.
  • Failure by the Users or Pro to be available, or being unwilling to fully cooperate with any phase of the Claim process, will cause the Findings and Needed Actions to be against the uncooperative side. No further investigative action will be taken.
NOTE: Past experience shows that the inclusion of a neutral third party from Approved Home Pros in a situation surrounding a problematic home project quickly leads to improved communication and a clear path to a satisfactory conclusion.
GUARANTEE CLAIM FORMNOTE: Past experience shows that the inclusion of a neutral third party from Approved Home Pros in a situation surrounding a problematic home project quickly leads to improved communication and a clear path to a satisfactory conclusion.NameAddressPhonePro In QuestionProject/Product/ServiceDate of Project/Product/ServiceBreif Description of IssueContacted Pro via Approved Home Pros?You will be contacted within 2 business days regarding this Guarantee Claim.

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